110 Years Anniversary : Direction Forward
“That they may all be one … as We are one.”
John 17:21
The equal sides of the triangle stand for “man’s essential unity, body, mind and spirit, each being a necessary and eternal part of man, he being neither one alone…”.
Empower, Transform, Build.
The YMCA 110th Anniversary Logo incorporates :
• The Red coloured ‘Y’ symbol , depicting determination, vitality and dedication in achieving our goals.
• Yellow rays, representing youthfulness and continuous excitement of a brighter future notwithstanding our age.
Together, the logo signifies YMCA KL’s determination to be significant in our community, forward thinking and full of vigor in empowering, transforming and building of our Youth movement for future generations.
Enabling Youth Sustainability
Empowering Youth by providing platforms or space for positive, sustainable programmes where their voices and intentions are not only heard but respected; with opportunities given to help them develop their capacities as a responsible role model in their community.
Space For Change
Providing platforms or space for unique transformational learning experiences by enabling development skills and shape value by utilising energies of the Youth to hold responsibilities in leadership roles, therefore participating in shaping the core realities around their lives and communities for a better society.
Working On A Structured Future
Movement Strengthening will be established in line with Mission Clarity, Social Relevance and Institutional Viability to provide opportunities, platforms and space for Youths to build self-confidence, authenticity, leadership skills, and positively dynamic relationships through and by, viable and sustainable programmes.